Video Gamers for English learners
Improve your English by watching and listening to some of the best gamers in the world.
Gamers introduced so far : Ninja (Tyler Blevins) , Nick Eh 30 , Shroud (Michael Grzesiek), Dr Disrespect (Guy Beahm), Ali-A (Alastair Aiken), PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, Stonemountain64, Pokimane (Imane Anys), Muselk (Elliott Watkins), Nightblue3 (Rabia Yazbek), Lachlan (Lachlan Ross Power), Dr Lupo (Benjamin Lupo), TmarTna (Trevor Martin), Dan Gheesling, FGTEEV, PrestonPlayz (Preston Blaine Arsement), Nick Bunyun, Jackfrags (Jack Mason), LevelCapGaming (Charlie Goldberg), Matimi0, GamerGirl (Karina Calor), Cizzorz, xFSN Saber (Allen Chen), Aculite, Valkyrae (Rachel Marie Hofsetter), Alexia Raye, ChocoTaco, (Jack Throop) , Slogoman, Operator Drewski, One-shot Girl, Cowsep (Joseph Osceola Hursey), James Turner, WackyJacky101, Iggy Fresh, Lululuvely
Nowadays, you can easily follow the best players in the world through their videos on YouTube and their live streams on Twitch. For you, they can also be some of the world’s best English teachers. Below are some of the top streamers/YouTubers that you might want to follow. We have listed them with English language learners in mind and have left out some top gamers because they tend to use a bit too many swear words. We think you will have fun going through this list and finding your own favorites.
Nick Eh 30, Canadian, is an expert Fortnite gamer, but he is also extremely friendly and is one of the best YouTubers for English learners to follow. He always puts you in a good mood. He likes to play random duos – joining in games with people he doesn’t know – and enjoys helping get their first win in Fortnite.
Shroud (Michael Grzesiek), Canadian, is a former professional gamer and now a full-time streamer. He plays a lot of different games, but he is probably most famous now for Player Unknown Battlegrounds (PUBG). He likes to play as part of a duo or a squad, so his videos usually have a lot of conversation.
Dr Disrespect (Guy Beahm), American, is one of the most entertaining streamers, playing games like PUBG, Fortnite and Call of Duty, Blackops 4. Besides being a highly-skilled player, he is loud, funny and very tall – 6 feet, 8 inches or about 203 centimeters.
Ali-A (Alastair Aiken) British, has over 15 million YouTube subscribers so he must be doing something right. While the English spoken in American and Canada is almost the same, British English sounds quite different and Ali-A is a good streamer to follow to understand the British accent, especially if you are a Fortnite fan.
PewDiePie (Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg), Swedish. With more then 100 million subscribers, PewDiePie is one of the top Youtubers of all time. He plays a wide variety of video games, not as an expert, but for mainly for fun. Recently, he has played a lot of Minecraft. PewDiePie is from Sweden and he still has a slight Swedish accent, but that makes him even more fun to listen to.
Jacksepticeye (Seán William McLoughlin), Irish. Jack is probably Ireland’s most popular Youtuber with 23 million subscribers. He is a good friend of PewDiePie and they sometimes play together. Like PewdiePie he plays a wide variety of games and he, too, is very funny. He has an Irish accent, but not a heavy one, so understanding should not be a big problem.
NIghtblue 3 (Rabia Yazbek), American, is a League of Legends streamer who is not only a good player, but who is also very helpful to the thousands of players who regularly watch him on YouTube and Stream. NIghtblue3 likes to try out new champions and viewers learn a lot from his successes and failures. He is fun to listen too as well.
Lachlan (Lachlan Ross Power), Australian, is one of the top Fortnite players and he is a good streamer to watch if you want to improve your game. He is friendly, talkative and he gives you a great introduction to how English is spoken in Australia. Because of the time difference, Lachlan will often be streaming when gamers elsewhere are asleep.
TmarTn2 (Trevor Martin), American, is a good streamer to follow if you are looking for games to play. He plays just about everything, posting videos for many hours each day. Be sure to check out his playlist on his YouTube channel. He speaks quickly but clearly, so you will get good listening practice.
Dan Gheesling, American, is a YouTube gamer and a former reality TV star. He is a former high school teacher and clearly enjoys interacting with gamers who follow him. He especially likes playing with gamers he has never met, children included, and he asks them lots of questions about themselves. Thus, Dan is very good to follow for conversational English with no swearing allowed.
PrestonPlayz (Preston Blaine Arsement), American, has three popular YouTube channels: PrestonPlayz for Minecraft, TBNRfrags for Call of Duty and Fortnite and PrestonRoblox for Roblox. He always sounds happy and upbeat and enjoys playing with and against friends, his wife and his brothers. Thus, you will hear a lot of conversation.
Nick Bunyun (Romanian) lived the first 13 years of his life in Romania before moving to the United States. He has become a popular YouTuber with over one million subscribers to his channel. He is quite funny, but we discovered him in a game where he plays with a 9-year-old Greek boy who spoke almost no English. Nick was so helpful that we came away very impressed.
LevelCapGaming (Charlie Goldberg), American, plays mainly shooter games and is especially well known for the Battlefield series of games. He has a very distinctive (easily recognized) voice and you will hear him play team games with other expert gamers like Jack Frags, Matimi0 and Xfactorgaming. He uses his popular YouTube channel for tutorials.
GamerGirl (Karina Calor), Canadian, and RonaldOMG (Ronald Calor), Canadian, are child gamers who have their own websites, but also play together. Do their parents approve? Yes, they do. In fact they help the pair with their web operations which have now become a very profitable businesses. Sister and brother have about two million subscribers each to their YouTube channels. They play games like Roblex, Minecraft and Fortnite.
Cizzorz, (Jack), American, is from the northern US state of Minnesota where the oldest member of Real English for Gamers was born. He has experience with many different games, but he has gained his over two million subscribers mainly through Fortnite. He is fun to watch and is excellent with young children.
Valkyrae (Rachel Marie Hofsetter) , American, is an excellent gamer whose social media skills are making her a superstar in the gaming community. At the moment she is playing a lot of Fortnite on her Twitch websites. You’ll enjoy following here on Twitter, but it is on Instagram where she really shines
Slogoman, For learners who prefer a British accent and fun games rather than serious war games, Slogoman is a very good choice. His real name is Josua Robert Temple and since he became a Youtuber several years ago, he has attracted over six million subscribers. Interestingly, he regularly plays with three popular English-speaking Dutch gamers: Jelly, Kwebbelkop and Crainer.
Operator Drewski, real name Andrew Carriker, plays military games, usually as part of a squad. For learners, he has two big advantages. First, he – and most of his friends – speak quite clearly, even in the middle of a battle. Secondly, you hear very little swearing, much less than with most military gamers.
Julie, or “One-shot Girl” as she calls herself, is a young American streamer who plays a lot of Fortnite, some Minecraft and a bit of Call of Duty. She, too, speaks very clearly and is highly recommended for language learners. She often plays with “randoms”, players she meets online and maybe one day you play with her.
James Turner, Australian, is a Youtuber with over one million subscribers. He plays non-violent casual games like Sims 4 and Zoo Planet. He is both entertaining and serious, meaning he can really help you learn to play these games well. He will also give good experience with the Australian accent. He speaks rather quickly so you may need to start and stop the video so you can listen more than once.
WackyJacky101 (Henrik Kjaerulff), Denmark, focuses largely on PlayUnknown’s Battlefields (PUBG). He is a real expert on the game, testing and reporting on everything new. He produces very informative guides on the game and if you play PUBG, you should definitely follow him. He is from Denmark but he is fluent in English.
Lululuvely (Lindsey) is a professional Apex Legends player from Texas. She speaks with a standard American accent, however, and her pronunciation is quite clear. Apex Legends is a very fast teamgame, however, so her conversations with teammates can be challenging at first. Game companies sometimes hire her to play their new games.When she is the only person talking, she is much easier to understand.